Thank You!

Thank you so much for your recent contribution to the Trans Journalists Association. The TJA helps reporters and editors produce accurate, fair, and nuanced coverage of trans people and the issues that impact our lives. We can’t do what we do without you. 

As we’re sure you know, there’s a real need for trans voices in the media these days. With a surge in anti-trans legislation and rhetoric, it’s more important than ever for professional organizations like TJA to equip newsrooms of all sizes to better support trans journalists, and to produce more accurate work about trans communities. That’s why we released a detailed, updated Stylebook and Coverage Guide and spoke at a number of conferences in 2023, and continue to do so throughout 2024.

Your contribution helps the TJA build programs that support newsroom and industry training, professional opportunities for trans journalists, and more. Want to see more of our work? Subscribe to our mailing list if you haven’t already, and follow us on InstagramLinkedInTwitter/X and BlueSky

Again, thank you for your donation. We look forward to building a more equitable media landscape with you.

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