Respectful, accurate representation matters — period.

A note from the TJA on what your monthly support can help us accomplish.

Hand holds up white pink and blue trans flag on purple background. Text reads, You need trans perspectives to understand trans lives. Help us authentically tell LGBTQ+ stories. Join us.

Dear TJA community,  

I'm Kae Petrin, the president and volunteer interim executive director at the Trans Journalists Association. I’m just one of the voices you’ve heard over the last four years as we’ve celebrated, grieved, and taken up space while our lives have been debated as political issues — often without our input or perspectives.

For four years, the TJA has bloomed as a volunteer-run organization that brings together lived experience and journalistic integrity. That's thank to your generous support and your alignment with our vision: to model factual, empathetic representation in the media. 

For those past four years, TJA's members and allies have provided support that has kept the lights on as we've grown. This year, TJA is asking our incredible community to consider investing more intentionally with a recurring monthly donation that works for you.  

  • $10 helps TJA serve timely, relevant news and skill-development opportunities to LGBTQ+ journalists and media communicators.
  • $15 creates opportunities for TJA to host community events to bring you resources to learn more about accurate coverage of trans issues in the media.
  • $25 aids quick response coverage advice during breaking news on trans issues that inform the whole journalism industry.
  • $50 supports the creation of The TJA Stylebook and Coverage Guide, a tool for reporters, editors, and journalists to improve news coverage of trans people and issues.
  • $100 connects trans journalists who want to develop their skills to TJA fellowship opportunities.

It’s you, our community, who have helped build this space for trans journalists to thrive. We cannot thank you enough for your continued support, and for uplifting our members as they make profound contributions to newsrooms across the nation.

Our sincerest thanks,

Kae Petrin (they/them)
President and Volunteer Interim Executive Director
Trans Journalists Association

P.S. Connect with us at our trans coverage track at the IRE 2024 conference

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